Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Little Miss Smarty Pants :)

WARNING: The blog you are about to read is of a proud momma writing about how smart her firstborn child is.  Viewer discretion is advised.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day, and Happy 17 month birthday Miss Aubrie!  Where or where has my little baby gone? I can’t believe how fast she is growing up…..Every day she amazes me even more and more with how much she knows and remembers.  This is the newest trick: we have a word/picture book that we read to her and point out pictures/objects at least once a day.  So now she’s become pretty darn good at pointing to the pictures that we’ve asked her to point to.  These are the words she knows and can point to, time and time again….ball, chair, puppy, table, flower, frog, cow, fish, truck, apple, cheese, socks, and owl.  Holy cow!!! I promise I’m going to try really hard to get a video of her doing that and post so you all can see it….it’s super adorable, and you should see the proud look on her face when we praise her and tell her how smart she is!


I know this won’t last real long, but she’s also really good at following directions.  If we tell her the clothes are dirty, she grabs them off the floor and throws them in her hamper.  Yesterday while putting her laundry away, I turned around to find her carrying a stack of her shirts to give to me to put away…a few minutes later she came back with her stack of pants!



The other thing she does is point to her different body parts when we ask.  You know, the whole “Head, shoulders knees and toes” game??  She’s got the hair, ear, nose, tummy, toes game going on.  And that girl knows her name, and says it while pointing to herself….as well as saying and pointing to mommy and daddy, and Gizzy.  And boy, is she proud of it :)  Need video proof? You’ve got it!

Little Miss Smarty Pants

I think the little munchkin is finally feeling better.  The steroids must really be working, because we’ve hardly had to give her any albuterol nebs lately.  Her appetite is very slowly coming back (thank goodness, the munchkin lost a pound in the last 2 weeks from being sick), and I can see the crazy little happy & impish girl that is my daughter poking through the dark “sick” clouds.  FINALLY!  I missed her giggles!  And now I get to enjoy a whole day off with her tomorrow….hope the weather is in the 70s again so we can all go for a long walk!  The kids are sick of being cooped up….


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